Philco C-1608 Issues -
Keefer - 08-24-2021

Hello again.I need to replace my two section filter capacitor which is 4uf/8if but can't seem to find any.Anybody know where I might find one of two?Thanks
RE: 4uf/8uf gin can capacitor -
BrendaAnnD - 08-24-2021
You won't find anything exactly the same. You have a few options, though. You can use a 10+10 can cap (it will be a lot smaller than the original, so you would need to make a sleeve to hold it in) or you can go with a 4.7uf and a 10uf individual caps under the chassis. The values are not critical, other than you don't want to go crazy high on them.
RE: 4uf/8uf gin can capacitor -
mikethedruid - 08-24-2021
I am not familiar with the term "gin can cap." I have heard of regular metal can multi section condensers. I have heard of "firecracker" multi section condensers. You have stated the capacities of each section, but not the working voltage, which is important. Here is a link to a "firecracker type which will do the job, and is the kind used under the chassis in many of the old "All American 5" type radios...
RE: 4uf/8uf gin can capacitor -
Phlogiston - 08-24-2021
The old "spec" was +80% to -20%, so "sorta'" close is OK.
RE: 4uf/8uf gin can capacitor -
Keefer - 08-24-2021
Thanks was wondering if could go up.I meant to say tin can.My bad.Will probably go with 4.7 and 8.The can says 4-350,black 8-350,and red com.pos.
RE: 4uf/8uf gin can capacitor -
Phlogiston - 08-24-2021
Don't bother with 350V caps use 450V. The safety margin is larger, they will last longer (VS same cap at 350V) and they are probably cheaper/easier to find.
RE: 4uf/8uf gin can capacitor -
mikethedruid - 08-24-2021
from many years experience, and based on what I read in an electronics book MANY years ago, you can go to double the MFD with power supply filter condensers with no problem, in fact, all that will happen is your voltage will filter to more steady between cycles. As for voltage rating, it is always best to go HIGHER if possible room wise. (and it almost ALWAYS is. Modern condensers are smaller than the old ones.)
RE: 4uf/8uf gin can capacitor -
Keefer - 08-24-2021
Thanks for the responses.This is a very knowledgeable group.
RE: 4uf/8uf gin can capacitor -
mikethedruid - 08-24-2021
common POSITIVE ? That is VERY unusual in a multi section condenser. What model radio are you working on? I need to see if I can find the schematic. I don't want you buying the wrong kind of condenser and having it explode because it was polarized wrong for your circuit !
RE: 4uf/8uf gin can capacitor -
Keefer - 08-24-2021
Philco c 1608.
RE: 4uf/8uf gin can capacitor -
Keefer - 08-24-2021
I have picture of cap but not sure how to download.ok figured it out.
RE: 4uf/8uf gin can capacitor -
mikethedruid - 08-24-2021
Thanks for the picture. It is very interesting. There are obviously 3 wires coming out from the condenser, red, black, and green, red being the common positive. The closest match I find seems to be on page 26 of the condenser section of the Philco parts list from this site, page 26, bottom of the page. I looked back through the catalog, but this is the only match I find that meets all the criteria. It would also help to know the model this chassis is in to get a better idea of the date. There is a HUGE amount of data on the main site, of which this Phorum is only a part. Use the LIBRARY there, and you can find the parts lists and find any part Philco used. You can also find copies of the original Philco service bulletins, with the schematics, parts lists, alignment information, notes of changes, and any other needed information for each model.
RE: 4uf/8uf gin can capacitor -
John Bartley - 08-25-2021
Accordingg to the schematic for a C1608, the capacitor is indeed a dual section, common positive and the negatives are split by a choke in the negative buss.
RE: 4uf/8uf gin can capacitor -
Keefer - 08-25-2021
Thank you but not sure I understand.
RE: 4uf/8uf gin can capacitor -
Keefer - 08-25-2021
I looked at radio and now I understand what you meant.I ordered two capacitors.1 4.7 uf 450 volt and 8 uf 450 volt.Should I put in can or just put underneath?Again thanks for all info.