useing Correct color for Radio -
Warren - 03-09-2014
Here is a pic of my 47-1230 I have been refinishing. I think I have the lighter color correct on the Radio but I'm not sure on he darker color that goes on the trim, etc. On the picture I have below the Radio a piece of wood with a Dark American Walnut stain on it but it doesn't look quite right to me. I am hoping to get some of the Expert opinions here on the forum about the color is right before I spray it on the Radio and whether the Radio looks good so far to you. Thanks for any input. Warren
RE: useing Correct color for Radio -
OldRestorer - 03-09-2014
it looks beautiful, how did you get that gloss finish?
RE: useing Correct color for Radio -
morzh - 03-09-2014
You guys keep wowing me today, so again - WOW!
This is gorgoeus.
Here I am trying to figure out what to do about the measly base trim on my 70 and there you are having created a marvel.
No, I need to take a class.
RE: useing Correct color for Radio -
Warren - 03-09-2014
Thanks Guys. I used a gloss clear laquer and mixed the toner with it. I sprayed it with a spray gun and compressor. I still l need to put a few coats of clear on it but first I need to put a dark toner on the bottom and the face plate, etc. I sprayed that piece of wood underneath it with the dark I have but it doesn't seem like it is quite the right color for it. Am hoping someone can tell me for sure.
RE: useing Correct color for Radio -
NostalgiaRadioTime - 03-09-2014
That looks AMAZING, Warren!! Well done. What color toners did you use? My set with the original finish is a bit darker, but I certainly wouldn't change yours just because of that. Yours shows off the beautiful grain in the wood much better.
RE: useing Correct color for Radio -
Warren - 03-09-2014
Thanks Greg, I used a medium walnut toner from Behlin. I figure that the original finish probably darkened with age so I didn't make it any darker. Do you think the color of that board underneath the radio would be the right color for the darker parts on the radio?
RE: useing Correct color for Radio -
NostalgiaRadioTime - 03-09-2014
Do you mean the ribbed board that runs around the bottom front and sides? It might be a tad light but it looks fine. You could make the speaker / phono door a similar shade for contrast.
RE: useing Correct color for Radio -
Warren - 03-09-2014
yea, the bottom strip. the speaker/phono door, the front plate where the radio goes and the 2 strips on the top, above the light area are supposed to be a dark tone. I just want to make sure the color I'm planning on using ( that is on the wood below the radio) is close to original.
RE: useing Correct color for Radio -
morzh - 03-10-2014
I just looked at it today again as I was opening the thread, that looks yammie. No, really, if I ever be able to do something like it, I will then sit down near it and won't quit sittin' until the next day or so. Or until the beer runs out.
RE: useing Correct color for Radio -
Jamie - 03-10-2014
You can do it Mike! .... Just jump in and start. It isn't hard to do.
RE: useing Correct color for Radio -
morzh - 03-10-2014
Not before we buy that new place where I'd have a room, or come summer, maybe outside. I have 1-place garage and there is no way I am doing this inside the house.
RE: useing Correct color for Radio -
Warren - 03-10-2014
So far no one seems to have a problem with me using that dark color on the board below the radio for the dark parts on the radio. Hopefully it is close to original color. I will plan on using that dark american walnut for the rest. If anyone thinks its wrong please let me know. thx Warren
RE: useing Correct color for Radio -
Warren - 03-15-2014
OK, I have put the second color on my Radio. Here are a couple pictures I thought you might be interested in.. Next step is to put a few coats of clear on then rub it out.
RE: useing Correct color for Radio -
klondike98 - 03-15-2014
Very nice!

RE: useing Correct color for Radio -
morzh - 03-15-2014
It looks great. Again, I am not a specialist and have no experience in judging Philco colors.
Just curious if not too much cherry in it? I thought Philcos of this type have a hue a little less purple and more reddish yellow (you see, I do not even know how to call those colors). I am sure Ron/Arran and a couple of other guys here know exactly wherther this is it or not.
But this said, the workmanship is amazing and it looks great.