RE: This Was In My Xmas Card! -
VntgRads - 12-27-2013
Thanks to all for the valuable information. I have one more question. If I just want to clean the cabinet and not harm the existing finish, what product(s) are recommended these days. I figure if I give it a good cleaning, I can better ascertain just what needs to be done to the cabinet. Thanks, in advance, for your input.
Craig R.
RE: This Was In My Xmas Card! -
EricS - 12-27-2013
What a gorgeous radio! And what a great gift! The best cleaner is some Goop or GoJo (no pumice). Apply with a cloth, rub gently (always with the grain) and wipe clean. It might take more than one application to get it clean, depending on just how dirty it is. It will have a wet and shiny look for a few hours while it dries. Chances are a little Howard Restore-a-finish after that will bring it back to a near new appearance if the original finish is still largely intact. This is about as clean as I know how to make it.
RE: This Was In My Xmas Card! -
jerryhawthorne - 12-27-2013
Craig, +1 on Eric's suggestion. That was all I did on mine other than the top. The top had a nasty water stain from presumably a plant watered on the top. I just couldn't get that to look like I wanted and the top is what one sees the most. That I took down and refinished.
You got a great deal on that radio! Mine was $190. The lady I bought it from has sellers remorse and has a standing offer of $400 to buy it back. With a pair of NOS 45s and other parts, it is about right, not counting labor. Not ready to sell it yet.
I did post on either the 111 or 112 on emptying out that big can and replacing the caps inside. I have not been able to find that thread yet and don't recall if the two chassis have different cans.
Shoot some pictures of your chassis and the can and maybe it will fire up some brain cells.
RE: This Was In My Xmas Card! -
jerryhawthorne - 12-27-2013
Craig, I did find my 111 restoration thread finally! I hope this helps you. Pretty well documented.
Regards, Jerry
RE: This Was In My Xmas Card! -
VntgRads - 12-27-2013
Great resource, Jerry! I've got it bookmarked. Thanks to you and to everyone else for the very useful contributions. Couldn't do it without you! I've learned so much since joining the Phorum back in August. Should have done it sooner!
Craig R.
RE: This Was In My Xmas Card! -
jerryhawthorne - 12-27-2013
Glad to help Craig. You might post your location a little closer than just California. I get out there now and then.
RE: This Was In My Xmas Card! -
TA Forbes - 12-28-2013
You have a swell wife!
NOW give her a card with the same note in it!!
As I always say, "strike while the iron's hot!"
BUT..... perhaps that is why I have two ex-s.....
RE: This Was In My Xmas Card! -
Gene Pederson - 12-28-2013
That was a wonderful gift from your wife! And I am glad you found a set you really like. Doesn't get any better than this. Enjoy
RE: This Was In My Xmas Card! -
VntgRads - 12-28-2013
TA Forbes: I tried your suggestion but she picked an AIWA 6-transistor pocket radio from the 60's. That sort of backfired!
Gene: You are so very right! It doesn't get much better. She even helped me carry it upstairs! Got an email from the person who does my chassis work and he is suffering from boredom. So tomorrow I will be dropping off a couple of Philcos (1 of which is a Hippo) along with a Western Air Patrol for him to "tinker" with. What a guy! I wouldn't be involved in this hobby as much as I am if it wasn't for his expertise and guidance.
Craig R.
RE: This Was In My Xmas Card! -
TA Forbes - 12-29-2013
Your buddy and your wife are part of what makes this hobby so great!
I say again: Cultivate the friendship of the old-time radio guys, be worthy of their company. Their knowledge is a treasure to be passed on.
RE: This Was In My Xmas Card! -
LASJayhawk - 12-29-2013
Me I think I would have printed out for sale ads for Zenith Stratosphere's
Maybe thats why I never got married...