RE: If You Need To Learn About Radio Repair.. -
mikethedruid - 02-24-2020
LOL ! I had a hard time with trigonometry in high school, barely passed. In the Navy they taught us an easy horse to remember the formulae for sine, cosine, and tangent, "Sally Can Tell Oscar Has A Hard On Always." You write the first letters of the words on a paper this way, and there you have them...
Once I learned that horse, I never had trouble again, and had no trouble with reactance problems.
The same went for the color code. Bad Boys Rape Our Young Girls But Violet Gives Willingly, Get Some Now...
Black, Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet, Grey, White, for the numbers, and Gold, Silver, White, for the tolerances. The old Navy philosophy was, "Teach it to 'em in a dirty sentence, and they'll remember it always."
RE: If You Need To Learn About Radio Repair.. -
Abes - 08-11-2020
You're all right !!!
RE: If You Need To Learn About Radio Repair.. -
TTech - 08-16-2020
Looked on Ebay for suggested book. Elements of radio servicing by Marcus and Levi. Stopped drinking 42 years, when I saw the asking prices I almost started up again. 3 different copies, $847.00, $961.00 and $1036.00

. Free on line access mentioned earlier is the way to go.