RE: Philcos all aglow gather here -
sam - 05-26-2016
thanks ron and kirk
RE: Philcos all aglow gather here -
Tgace459 - 05-28-2016
Here's my Philco 37-61:
RE: Philcos all aglow gather here -
morzh - 05-28-2016
Redo that photo. Can't see not'n. You might as well saybthat was a Z1000
RE: Philcos all aglow gather here -
Eric Smith - 05-30-2016
I do the same thing with several of my Philcos. When I'm listening to a ballgame at night, I turn out the lights and only have the light of the radio dial on then sit or lean back in my chair or recliner and go into a very sleep. Talk about a most relaxing & thoroughly enjoyable experience.
RE: Philcos all aglow gather here -
NostalgiaRadioTime - 05-30-2016
Glad to see this thread being revived from time to time. This may be cheating a bit, but a BOL all aglow looks pretty cool too!
RE: Philcos all aglow gather here -
NostalgiaRadioTime - 05-30-2016
I'll add a few more from my collection....46-431
RE: Philcos all aglow gather here -
NostalgiaRadioTime - 05-30-2016
RE: Philcos all aglow gather here -
Steve D - 06-02-2016
Steve D
RE: Philcos all aglow gather here -
Steve D - 06-02-2016
Steve D
RE: Philcos all aglow gather here -
NostalgiaRadioTime - 06-06-2016
1940 PT-61 Jewel Case....
That little purple glow in the upper right hand corner is not a camera's the glow of the dial light showing through the light colored wood!
RE: Philcos all aglow gather here -
mikethedruid - 06-09-2016
My 37-61B
and yes... I switched the knob once I saw this photo, LOL ! I have the plain, small tuning knob there now, and the pointer knob where it should be.
RE: Philcos all aglow gather here -
Nick3092 - 06-18-2016
Here is my 37-116. Dial is original, but I made reproductions for the stations as mine were all broken. They came out a little dark, but not bad if you compare them to an original.
Here is a broken original (WMBI) next to my repros (WTMJ and the star symbol). just a touch darker than originals, but not bad (if you ask me).
RE: Philcos all aglow gather here -
KCMike - 06-18-2016
They look good to me.

How did you make them if you don't mind me asking?
RE: Philcos all aglow gather here -
Nick3092 - 06-18-2016
After a lot of experimentation, I found all you need is a little photoshop, shrinky dink material, and water slide decals.
First I scanned in a blank section of dial to get the approximate color and made a new picture in the shape of a tab with the background of that color in photoshop (technically gimp, a free alternative to photoshop). Then I dug through a lot of fonts until I found one that matched pretty closely (Gothic CG No2). For the star, I found that it is almost identical to a security Torx screw, so i just found that shape and resized it. I then made all my tabs and combined them into a single picture to print.
Then I printed it on a sheet of water slide decals and sprayed the clear coat on them. I then cut the decals out slightly smaller than the size of the actual tab. I slid them on the clear shrinky dink material. When unshrunk, it's the perfect thickness. They do make shrinky dink material you can print directly on. But during my experiments I never got it to turn out with the color and opacity I wanted.
I then cut the shrinky dink material to the tab size. The reason for under cutting the decal is so that you can shoot another layer of clear coat that binds the deal to the shrinky dink material. I found that the decals do not adhere all that well to the shrinky dink material on their own. And they would slide off when I tried inserting them into the tuner wheel. That extra shot of clear coat with a little material to bind it too holds the stickers in place perfectly.
If anyone is interested in doing the same, I can save you a little time and give you the base tab file I made and can try and walk you through making an entire sheet of them. Its been 2 years since I did it, and I was never that great at photoshop/gimp to begin with. Or, if you live in the Milwaukee area, I can just give you a full sheet ready to print!
RE: Philcos all aglow gather here -
NostalgiaRadioTime - 06-18-2016
Excellent work, Nick! You wouldn't happen to be THE Nick who is President of the WARCI in Milwaukee?