L1653-121 -
Hadak - 02-07-2016
Hey all, so my wife and I bought a Philco L1653-121 from a second-hand store a couple years ago. We got a new needle and it all worked great. A few months ago things changed. The radio still worked but only about 80% as loud as previously. The phonograph dropped to about 10% of its previous volume for the instruments and the vocals cut out entirely. My folks were in town over Christmas and my dad thought to cobble together another player with this one but we stopped him halfway through when realizing exactly what he was trying to do and it never got put back together so now it doesn't work at all.
I know first step is to plug the speaker cables back in but I honestly don't know where the H**l they go any more. After that, should I just start with the needle, get a new cartridge, what would likely be the cause of the volume drop? I'm basically a novice but I'm willing to get my hands dirty and work my way through the repairs and just don't know where to start. Pictures of the front, inside, and diagram for whatever help those provide.
RE: L1653-121 -
sam - 02-07-2016
your pic`s did not work
try here
RE: L1653-121 -
Hadak - 02-07-2016
Thanks, Sam. I think I've got it all put together now.
RE: L1653-121 -
mikethedruid - 02-07-2016
I can see the pics OK.