Signal Generator -
tkibler - 10-17-2017
Hey everyone! I am looking to purchase a good signal generator to do some alignments. Can I get some ideas from some members on what to buy. Not to pricey...I need to buy more radios!
RE: Signal Generator -
morzh - 10-17-2017
SG-8 from Heathkit can be had for $20. Will probably require replacing one electrolytic cap, otherwise there is no actions needed.
Old tube generators are not super accurate and it is desirable to use a counter with them to ensure they generate the exact frequency that one wants.
RE: Signal Generator -
Radioroslyn - 10-17-2017
With some or these entree level generators there are no adjustment to calibrate them like the Heath SG-6,7,and 8. A counter would be mandatory for accurate frequency setting. They can be had for abt $10 and a month wait as they come from China.
A lot of the older generators use what are affectionately known as belly button connectors for the audio in/out and rf out. Technically they are a Switchcraft 2501MP, their not hard to come by but if you do have to make up the cables it's abt $10 per to build them.
In the Heath line the LG-1, IG-42 and IG-102 are several steps above the SG sets. They do command a few more dollars. If you get a counter it doesn't matter much which one you chose if your just doing am and sw alignments.
I've been using an older SG-7 w/a counter for the last couple of years. Is it great? nah more like the model T of generators but it will get you there.
RE: Signal Generator -
WallaceRoger - 10-17-2017
Any counter recommendations?
RE: Signal Generator -
tkibler - 10-17-2017
Thank you for the replies. As always, very helpful!
RE: Signal Generator -
morzh - 10-17-2017
Some guys here got this cheap LED panel Chinese-made counters.
Myself, I got very cheaply ($25) a BK Precision 1970-s model on eBay, and it works great.
RE: Signal Generator -
WallaceRoger - 10-18-2017
The BK Precision one looks like a lot more fun.

I've seen some of the old nixie tube ones too, very cool.
RE: Signal Generator -
morzh - 10-18-2017
I had one at work in beginning of 90s, which was not very new by then, and I liked it, so when I saw one on eBay for a very low price I bought it.
I think this is what I have, or very much like it, as mine does not have variable trigger level or reset button, but otherwise is the same looking set.
RE: Signal Generator -
KCMike - 10-18-2017
Been using one very similar also, mine has no trigger or reset button. Have not had any problems with it.
Not a swap meet price there but with free shipping might be worth getting if you need one.
RE: Signal Generator -
morzh - 10-18-2017
It doesn't explicitly say it works, but says nothing to the opposite either. Could ask.
RE: Signal Generator -
TA Forbes - 06-14-2018
A late response here, but I like the Hickok 288X a lot, it is crystal controlled and verrry stable once warmed up.