Model 87 -
Radioroslyn - 10-19-2020
This is the one I've been working for the last week or two. Got all of the electronic problems sorted and plays well with the loop on top. Selectivity is nothing to brag about if you have two strong stations within 20kc of each other. The loop helps null out the weaker station. Doing OK for a 91yr old set!
RE: Model 87 -
Bill Bacco - 10-19-2020
That is one heck of an antenna!
RE: Model 87 -
Radioroslyn - 10-20-2020
It pulls the stations in pretty good too... It's got a little too many turns as it self resonates at about 900kc.
RE: Model 87 -
Radioroslyn - 10-24-2020
I was looking for a post for Kevin's 38-116 question and I ran across this about the loop and thought I add it.
RE: Model 87 -
Stan the Man - 12-27-2020
I love it! I was into building loops for a bit. I've had them pull in stations just sitting on top of a radio. Vintage wireless.