Line Capacitors 37-650 - Printable Version
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Line Capacitors 37-650 -
planigan - 06-15-2006
This is actually a follow-up to the hot chasis questions. I was unable to locate safety caps at .008mfd. Out of that fustration I want to know if I can change the circuit to use one across line filter cap rathar than the two line to ground. It is my understanding the the caps are for the purpose of filtering out unwanted interferance in the household power feed to the set.
Both the line to ground and across line circuits apparently were used and I do not know which is better or are they just the preferences of the individual manufacturers? I have three Y2 caps (which I understand is "universal" [can be used in across line or line to ground]) as opposed to the X2 (only line to ground). Aside from altering the original circuit (I've already rewired so the caps are after the power switch, not before) is there any problem or danger in changing the circuit? I'd prefer not having any leakage to chassis through those caps. Can the original value be used as well, .015mfd? PL
