Stromberg-Carlson P-27285 -
morzh - 09-10-2013
Well, here it is. It was 60 bucks and I think I might've overpaid 10 bucks or so which is fine, haggling is not a precise science plus had I bought it on eBay for less I'd pay shipping...and eBay usually does not work well for "for less", it is an auction and it well could've been for more and this is what I told the guy: go on eBay - you might in fact get more money then you will get from me, but he said he did not want to get involved with shipping etc.....
It's a decent radio, an AA5 from what I could tell, in decent enough shape though not without some noticeable blemishes like the chip in the veneer (or is it photo?) on top or some light chipping at the edges and scratching.
I do not care about the parts' condition, most will be replaced, I would love for coils and pots to be intact though...obviously the ballast will have to come out, too rusty even if it works which it probably doesn't.
The chassis is clean. No rust, actually, and not much dirt. Even the tubes are fairly clean.
Funny story, when the guy (Frank is his name) had just met me and pulled out the radio, he then immediately proceeded to an outlet (and this was in the garage standing on the bare ground floor) and suggested that I would plug it in if I wanted to see if it worked.
I told him immediately that this was a very bad idea, and if in the future he had an unknown condition antique radio, he should not be plugging it in, and if he would he should keep it a secret. For now, I said, this radio might simply put your house on fire, blow up, or even make you extremely electro-cute.
The guy was very surprised by these revelations.
Anyways, here are some photos.
RE: Stromberg-Carlson P-27285 -
morzh - 09-10-2013
And some more...
RE: Stromberg-Carlson P-27285 -
TA Forbes - 09-10-2013
NOTHING wrong with that deal, Mike!!!
That is a swell looking set!!

RE: Stromberg-Carlson P-27285 -
TA Forbes - 09-10-2013
As in Type O Negative???
RE: Stromberg-Carlson P-27285 -
morzh - 09-11-2013
Well, me likes it too.
RE: Stromberg-Carlson P-27285 -
Jamie - 09-12-2013
WOW!.. You stole it. That's going to be a beautiful set when you get it finished. I am jealous.
RE: Stromberg-Carlson P-27285 -
rocketeer - 09-12-2013
Very nice find! I've been looking for an octagon dial S-C table radio for a while now. I saw just one at a flea market all this year. It looked like it had sat in a barn for 50 years and the guy wanted $80 firm (I passed) so I think you did very well for that price. By the way, I think the correct model ID is 225H.
RE: Stromberg-Carlson P-27285 -
morzh - 09-12-2013
The model no. is from what's written on the back of the chassis. Also Radiomuseum recognizes it and says "225-H Ch= P-27285" whatever that might mean.
It is great as I could not find anything on Nost. Air for P-27285. There is something there for 225 AC-DC, but the sch on the surface looks a bit different.
If anyone has the 225-H sch I could use it. I found a website that sells P-27285 sch..probably will buy from them if I don't find a free version.
As for the radio itself, yes I think I got a good deal, but I don't think it's really worth much more to be honest. The veneer chip is something I have to fix and it is fairly large, plus I will have to find a couple of old electrolytic cans to stick into the missing holes, otherwise it looks wrong. The ballasttube alone is 18 bucks.
BTW does anyone know for sure - is the finish veneer or photo? I think it is veneer but I am not sure.
RE: Stromberg-Carlson P-27285 -
Jamie - 09-12-2013
Hard to say from just photos, but judging from that chip missing off the back, I'd say it's veneer. It should be an easy fix - it's in the back, and if you can't match it up perfect, you can disguise it as one of those darker spots.
RE: Stromberg-Carlson P-27285 -
rocketeer - 09-12-2013
The P-27285 is the chassis number. I'm pretty sure it's veneer on that model. PM me your email address and I'll send all the schematic pages (4) for the 225 ac-dc which should be the one you need.
Note some of the schematic pages on Radio Museum are actually for a model 235, not model 225. Mine are scanned from Riders.
RE: Stromberg-Carlson P-27285 -
morzh - 09-12-2013
The schematic is classic AA5 with the same tube set. Pretty much what I had in that Emerson AH162.
Considering I saw exact same set in Latvian VEF pre-WWII set, I guess people were not really creative about those, save cabinet design.
RE: Stromberg-Carlson P-27285 -
PhilcoMike - 09-12-2013
Very neat radio. Kind of curious that the knob on the left is different than the other three. Is that the power switch?
RE: Stromberg-Carlson P-27285 -
morzh - 09-12-2013
No it is simply not original, this is why. And yes it is the power switch.
RE: Stromberg-Carlson P-27285 -
TA Forbes - 09-12-2013
Go to the playthings of the past site for your ballast tube. Gary has MANY of them there
RE: Stromberg-Carlson P-27285 -
Paul Philco322 - 09-12-2013
Rocketeer is right on, those Octagons are desirable, fetch a good penny at the swaps. I would be curious as to the performance, build quality is usually good on SC's, maybe even on a simple style.
Good luck.