16B tuning problemos - Guest - 10-19-2007
Hi everyone! I have YET another problem with my resto. I rebuilt the tuning mech with the o-rings, and that part works PERFECT!
However, the rubber on the back of the dial wheel has, over time, stretched. So when I work the tuning, the rubber squirms around and will not meet the new O-rings properly. What I THINK I want to do is to whack a piece out of the rubber and re-glue it onto the dial ring so it will fit flush.
But I wanted to run this by my Philco friends first....is my plan the right one??
Chuck Schwark - 10-19-2007
Ron may have "hands-on" with this mechanism, I don't have a 16 to play with here.
Ron Ramirez - 10-19-2007
Hey Tubenutt,
If the rubber on the back of the dial wheel is still pliable, then go for it. Do not take a lot off, though, just a tiny bit - just enough to make it a tight fit.
I would remove the dial wheel rubber, remove a very tiny amount with a razor blade (CAREFUL!!!), then try it on the dial for size. If it seems like it will fit tightly, glue the ends together with super glue, let dry, mount it back behind the dial and glue it on the metal. Do not get any glue or residue on the rubber surface that contacts the O-rings. Let all dry before using the mechanism.
49Stude63 - 10-21-2007
I had to do that on my 16B also, it looked as though someone stretched the ring to drive the tuning and had ground some divots in the surface. I did what Ron mentioned and used contact cement and put the divots out of the turning area and the mechanism works great.
- Guest - 10-21-2007
I finished 'modifying' mine last night. Mo' bettah now!
Studie, I wish you Georgians had some of our Oregon water! We have more than enough to go around.
Well what now on the 16-B?? Y'see, I'm trying to be a wuss about those darned bakelite caps. Gee, they're only bypasses...who cares if they leak? Well I sure care about having good LINE bypasses, don't I?
Thank ya'll for the HELP!
Hm-m-m-m....I wonder what this set would look like done up in "Shabby Chic"?? You know, purple with pink rose appliques?

Violet grillecloth?? LOL