05-20-2006, 06:18 PM
On Friday, I attended our local club's annual spring radio swap, and I had a pretty decent amount of items for sale at my space. One of the radios I was offering was a Philco 46-350 I got a number of years ago. I's not in perfect condition (at best, I'd call it "good"), but it is recapped and works great.
Around lunch time, a guy stopped by to have a look at it. He said he was with a friend of his at a spot a couple of spaces down, and had a 46-350 for sale as well. After looking mine over and commenting on how mine was in much better shape than his, he then went and got his to compare. His was missing the tambour cover, electronically unrestored, and part of the leather at the bottom was loose but repairable. I felt that both his and mine were appropriately priced for their conditions, and thanked him for stopping over.
A few hours later, he came by again. As it turned out, that was the only radio he brought to the swap with his friend, and didn't want to bring it home. He then asked if he could give it to me for parts.
Well...who was I to argue? It came home with me instead! His has a better leather handle, so that might be the only transplant I may make. Or I might find a few other parts on it to improve the other. Or I could try fixing it up better and sell that one. I'm not sure what to do with it quite yet, since I only got it yesterday.
It was a fun swap; sold a bunch of stuff, and I even got a freebie out of it. Not a bad day at all.
Around lunch time, a guy stopped by to have a look at it. He said he was with a friend of his at a spot a couple of spaces down, and had a 46-350 for sale as well. After looking mine over and commenting on how mine was in much better shape than his, he then went and got his to compare. His was missing the tambour cover, electronically unrestored, and part of the leather at the bottom was loose but repairable. I felt that both his and mine were appropriately priced for their conditions, and thanked him for stopping over.
A few hours later, he came by again. As it turned out, that was the only radio he brought to the swap with his friend, and didn't want to bring it home. He then asked if he could give it to me for parts.
Well...who was I to argue? It came home with me instead! His has a better leather handle, so that might be the only transplant I may make. Or I might find a few other parts on it to improve the other. Or I could try fixing it up better and sell that one. I'm not sure what to do with it quite yet, since I only got it yesterday.
It was a fun swap; sold a bunch of stuff, and I even got a freebie out of it. Not a bad day at all.

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