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The 630 mentioned earlier, was pretty much a basket case and missing the bottom chassis cover. I bent one up and thought the problem was solved. While serching E- (step away from the computer) Bay, I seemed to see a picture of the bottom of this model and it was filled with vent holes. Is that right and if so how many and what size holes are they. Also are the holes continued up the sides of the cover.
Thanks as always,
Ron F
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Ron F
Is your 630 a console model (630X), chairside (630CSX) or radio-phono (630PF)? If it is a 630B tombstone, it did not have the bottom cover originally - at least, I've never seen one on a 620 or 630 tombstone. The bottom cover was put on the console models, I believe, more to keep curious fingers out than to electrically shield the unit. As an example of this, the 640X console has a bottom cover made of fiberboard instead of metal. Ditto the 665X and 116X consoles. Yet, the 640B and 116B do not have bottom covers, which would have been redundant anyway since you canit get any fingers under the chassis when it's in a tombstone cabinet.
Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN
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Thanks Ron,
It's a 630X console. The only reason i thought it needed a cover is that it had the four holes in the chassis for the mounting screws, and I haven't seen the chassis guts that exposed before. By what you said, i'd say this unit does have some kind of cover, right?
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City: Ferdinand
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Since it is the console model, yes.
The original was full of holes, each one about 1/4" in diameter, I think. It would take you a LONG time to drill several hundred holes. You might be able to find an original - try some of the guys listed on my site's Parts Sources (Resources) page that sell used parts.
It's worth a try. Or just drill a bunch of holes in what you have and use it.

Either way, you'll keep prying young (and old) fingers out of that chassis. The way the chassis is mounted in your set, a cover is a safety factor.
Good luck,
Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN