First of all, I want to apologize to WillieC.
That having been said, however, it is rather frustrating when I post a link to a cabinet matching a 1935 model 38L only to be told "no, that isn't it." (And it is that frustration that initially prompted a rant from me which I deleted after I got over my anger, and for which I have apologized above.) Sorry, but
yes, it is! Philco made this same type of cabinet for no less than
five different models (28L, 32L, 38L, 45L, 89L). Yes, the five differ in knob layout and the chassis contained inside, but that is the extent of the differences.
Believe me, I don't like having to use catalog illustrations instead of actual photos in the Gallery. I don't own a copy of every Philco ever made; I have no desire to do so; I don't own a warehouse to store all of them in anyway.

Therefore I depend on other folks to furnish good photos for use in this site's Gallery (and may I remind you that this site's Gallery, as well as all of the information contained in, is
free to all). Many have graciously donated photos to this site's Gallery, which I am very appreciative of. Many others have not; they give their pictures to Radiomuseum, Radio Attic Archives, etc. That's their right.
But please remember:
Since this website specializes in one brand, I have taken the time to make sure the Gallery is as accurate as possible. I believe this site's Gallery is more accurate than any other website's photo sections. Period, end of story.
Bottom line: If it says "CHASSIS TYPE 38" on the chassis sticker, and has a cabinet like that shown here:
then it is a 1935 model 38L, introduced to the public in June 1934.
It is the same style cabinet as shown on the other site at this link:
Natalia, welcome and thanks for the defense.