07-12-2011, 03:17 PM
I have what appears to be a 3-way portable radio that looks and works like an old roll-top desk. It's a Philco, but I can't find the model number on it anywhere. Good-looking wooden cab portable. Has one loktal and 4 mini tubes. Any ideers?
I CANNOT get my 89 to oscillate!!! ARGHHHH!! When I get back to it, there are ways to combat this in Chuck's schematics on this model. I will try to bake the osc. coil with a heat gun and try different 36s. What a PITA!!
I will actually have to READ what Chuck sent about oscillator problems.
Then I have a Philco Jr. model 80 to tend to. 4 tubes?? A CURTAIN BURNER? I hope it has a transformer power supply, but haven't checked it out yet. I may have to employ Chuck for the schematics. I always do. Man that cathedral is tiny!
I CANNOT get my 89 to oscillate!!! ARGHHHH!! When I get back to it, there are ways to combat this in Chuck's schematics on this model. I will try to bake the osc. coil with a heat gun and try different 36s. What a PITA!!

Then I have a Philco Jr. model 80 to tend to. 4 tubes?? A CURTAIN BURNER? I hope it has a transformer power supply, but haven't checked it out yet. I may have to employ Chuck for the schematics. I always do. Man that cathedral is tiny!
Steve McDonald