07-04-2007, 09:01 AM
Here's a pic of yours truly in a younger day, around 1967--ready to mess ya up with a book...
That TV in the background is what got me interested in tubes. I'd love to know what model it is. I CAN tell you it's a black and white console with the infamous Philco Cool Chassis.
And I can tell you it was a turd. According to my parents, the inline fuse kept failing at the most inconvenient of times.
Any ideas?
[Image: http://users.mw.net/~bmorris/billbookthrow.jpg]

That TV in the background is what got me interested in tubes. I'd love to know what model it is. I CAN tell you it's a black and white console with the infamous Philco Cool Chassis.
And I can tell you it was a turd. According to my parents, the inline fuse kept failing at the most inconvenient of times.
Any ideas?
[Image: http://users.mw.net/~bmorris/billbookthrow.jpg]