12-23-2015, 02:51 PM
Agree ,soap before surgery. Loctals can be difficult, of course press towards dimple before removing, and if it's still stuck, a blast of WD40 should make things easier. Pins can become encrusted and best scraped off gently with a curette begged from your dentist or hygienist and some WD40. Precious sockets (ain't many of 'em floating around anymore,) WD40, old school pipe cleaners, or quadrupled up unwaxed dental floss could help. If you blast out the tube sockets, allow a day to dry out.
If the set only has a few mica capacitors in the cans, carefully replace them. That means ancient heat clips (remember roach clips?) so the connections to the windings are not overly disturbed. I'd also replace any old carbon resistors while I was at it, and we assume all other caps have been renewed.
If the set only has a few mica capacitors in the cans, carefully replace them. That means ancient heat clips (remember roach clips?) so the connections to the windings are not overly disturbed. I'd also replace any old carbon resistors while I was at it, and we assume all other caps have been renewed.