01-07-2016, 03:42 AM
(01-06-2016, 12:57 PM)SteveG Wrote: Arran,
Thanks for the assessment. I like the Deco looks of the cabinet, but the leaning towards being plain has me halted, so far, at buying it. My radio collecting usually leans more towards the cabinet looks, rather than tube count or speaker size. I'm guessing this can be attributed to my being electronically challenged on chassis details and workings. The thought of having to sort out the workings of the chassis and testing and repairing it, seems as daunting to me as deciding, at my age, to become a computer engineer! Both ought to happen at the same time.....
I don't know if you could really call that Airline's cabinet "Deco" as you put it, with those beaded columns on the front corners it has much more of a neoclassical look to my eyes, though a very plain representation of one. Many radio cabinets from the 1930s borrow elements from multiple forms of styling and sort of lump them together, many are closer to art nouveau then art deco, still others are what they thought of as "streamlined" or "Moderne" which is what they called things with a bullet shape or lots of curves. You could keep your eyes open for a Sears "Silvertone" console or a mid to late 1930s General Electric, some of the Strombergs, and late model Majestics really were Art Deco, along with a few Philco cabinets.