01-18-2016, 01:41 AM
A piece of advice, when you have it open and replace caps, it pays to replace ALL the paper/wax caps, and all the electrolytic caps, and any non mica small value caps. I always replace with caps of higher voltage rating than the original, and as close as I can get to original value capacitance using modern standard values. With the resistors you only really need to replace out of tolerance ones, but I usually just go ahead and replace them all unless they are too tough to get at and are OK tolerance wise. Again, I use modern 1 watt for the old 1/2 watt resistors, as they are about the same size, and provide extra margin, and also go up similarly with higher wattage resistors also. This way I minimize the chance that I will have to go back in at some time in the near future because some other aging part has failed. It has been fun reading about your restoration. Good luck with your "new" Philco. I look forward to seeing posts from you in the future.