05-31-2016, 06:13 PM
After I installed #56 still no joy! This getting a little ridiculous!!! Measured the current though the string and it was a little like 60ma. Hmmm. I replaced the 117Z6 w/a silicon diode which increased the voltage a little but didn't what I was hoping for. Went from 8.0v to 8.5v. Then I remembered that it did work before I replaced the caps in the IF and Mixer stages. So by looking at my hand drawn filament diagram (looking at the schematic will give you a headache) I zeroed in on #51 and that thing was shorted. It knocked 1.5v down to .5v. HA HA I found it!!!!!!!!!!. So now on to more troubleshooting now that all the tubes have the correct filament voltage. There is still some amiss as when I touch the ant post I got nothing.