08-03-2016, 02:12 AM
Well I think I got the I.F. aligned....it was off a good bit. Tried to adjust the rest where it says to put the dial at 1500 and the signal generator to 1500. shouldnt I be able to adjust everything so I hear the signal generators tone at 1500? I had to move the sig gen dial just to be able to hear it at 1500. Signal gen is a sg-8 and I used a freq counter...heathkit. Oh, and I was getting radio stations while doing this. Not too sure I did the 1500 khz adjustment correctly...unless Im adjusting the wrong trimmer caps. Adjusting trimmer cap 12 didnt seem to do much along with 31A.
I started collecting radios when I was a kid.......never kept any of them. Always messed them up(didnt know what I was doing) Sucessfully bought my first radio and got it working in 1995in california, and carried it home on a 3 day train ride. It was a philco 38 code 123 battery operated farm set.