08-09-2016, 04:12 AM
About the only parts that you can remove from the top of the chassis is the power transformer, the tuning condenser, and the filter condenser cans along with the bracket. The aluminum cans for the antenna, oscillator, and IF transformers cannot be removed easily without destroying them. Some may disagree but I have regularly washing dirty chassis with a solution of trisodium phosphate and hot water, about a tablespoon per gallon, and a toothbrush, followed by one or more rinses, though I could see gojo working well for this too. Normally people are conditioned into thinking that electricity and water don't mix, but in my case I wash them on a hot day and then leave them to dry for several days before even thinking about powering the chassis up. Oh, remove the dial first before cleaning regardless of what method you use, some Philco dials used water based ink but I'm not sure about the model 60s.