01-05-2017, 01:01 PM
Yes!!!!! This is the exact nightmare I have! I now see that the original string that was on there was very fat and ran over the drum, the double pulley and then the vernier drive. If you have a drawing that would just be icing on the cake. The only last question I have is the view of the string going around the vernier shaft which is not visible. The cap on the shaft where the string would run through on the vernier drive is .055" and the string remnant I have from the original cord is about .070 diameter. That would imply that the string did not loop around the vernier shaft but simply jammed in the grove tightly to grip the string and then turn the mechanism. If you do have a diagram, it would probably verify my guessing. Thanks soooooooooo much!
Dean K6DDJ
Dean K6DDJ