08-28-2017, 07:57 PM
Brought home this giant beauty yesterday, and was wondering a few things about it such as how to safely remove the dial face and backing screen without damaging them? These appear to be in perfect condition, though dirty. What is the best way to clean these? (never dealt with this style before). I successfully removed the chassis without a hitch, but I'm not even going to tilt it up until that dial face is removed. The chassis on this looks untouched with all of the light sockets looking to be in great shape. All shields and tubes are there, and they claimed that it worked when they put grandmas' radio into storage many years ago. (Though it would have to be MANY years ago judging by the disintegrating power cord). The cabinet is solid, although it appears the someone attempted to spruce it up at some point a few decades ago, as it has some touch up done to it, and the grille cloth is changed to match someones' living room.. Also, I'm not sure, but it almost looks like someone gave it a wash of shellac or something, as the top layer was light flaking, but when I gave it some lemon oil, it smoothed out some, but still is crackled or crazed. The original finish underneath looks nice, but that top coat stands in its' way. What could I use to maybe get down to that original finish? i am so excited about this project, but won't proceed until that dial face is off. Any suggestions?