03-12-2018, 05:31 PM
The laminations are 1 piece with the cut right at the end of the center pole. You can just make it out where the rust is. It appears that, when they wound the TR, they did not use varnish or shellac to set the windings in place. They are loose on the paper. I can push them side to side. This would make it easy to unwind if I go that route. The 3/4" core unit may be a possibility rather than rewinding but I would have to file down the laminations to make it fit. Right now, I'm leaning toward a re-wind. I have the wire on order. It should be easy to put the old, round bobbin on my rewind rig and count the windings as they come off with the electrically actuated counter on the unit. The no fun part is getting the wire wound with out crossovers and laying paper between every layer. As per Ed's advice, I use shellac to secure each layer's windings in place before I start the next layer. My initial measurements and calculations point to nearly 50 layers! The primary is on the inside and measures fine so I can hopefully leave it alone.