03-26-2018, 03:53 AM
There are quite a number of battery sets, sometimes called "Farm" battery sets still around, but they seem to turn up more in some areas then others. Where I am at the moment AC operated radios seem to turn up much more then battery sets, but in other places I've been it was just the opposite because AC power wasn't as available outside the cities until after the war. I have a collection of battery radios because when I started in this hobby it was a way for me to get pre war radios for a cheap price, most of the other collectors tended to avoid them because they are not worth much if they needed any restoration done, and because you either needed to build a battery eliminator, locate and rebuild a vintage eliminator, or construct battery packs in order to operate them. Quite often they would still work, or would work after minimal repair, after power was applied, due to the cool running tubes and low number of operating hours on them
Now as for the set in question, it seems to be a pretty average battery set using 1.4 octal tubes, probably something like a 1C5 (1A5,1T5,or 1Q5) 1H5, 1N5, and a 1A7, no RF amp or extra IF amp tube, and AM broadcast only, runs on 1.5 volts and 90 volts. Basically like a portable radio in a veneered cabinet, rather then cloth covered, and no handle. It probably had space for an "A-B" pack that was plugged in and fitted right behind the chassis, though many elected to use separate "A" and "B" batteries since the "A" batteries would die first. Be careful though, these suffer from the same rotting rubber/gutta percha covered wire as their AC cousins, including in the battery cables and the IF cans, I think even the Canadian models did, you may have to make up a new cable with more modern vinyl or EPDM covered wire if you intend to operate it. One more thing, before you power it up there is a small electrolytic running from the screen of the power output tube 1A5 to ground, I would clip it out of circuit or replace it in case it shorts out.
Now as for the set in question, it seems to be a pretty average battery set using 1.4 octal tubes, probably something like a 1C5 (1A5,1T5,or 1Q5) 1H5, 1N5, and a 1A7, no RF amp or extra IF amp tube, and AM broadcast only, runs on 1.5 volts and 90 volts. Basically like a portable radio in a veneered cabinet, rather then cloth covered, and no handle. It probably had space for an "A-B" pack that was plugged in and fitted right behind the chassis, though many elected to use separate "A" and "B" batteries since the "A" batteries would die first. Be careful though, these suffer from the same rotting rubber/gutta percha covered wire as their AC cousins, including in the battery cables and the IF cans, I think even the Canadian models did, you may have to make up a new cable with more modern vinyl or EPDM covered wire if you intend to operate it. One more thing, before you power it up there is a small electrolytic running from the screen of the power output tube 1A5 to ground, I would clip it out of circuit or replace it in case it shorts out.