08-19-2010, 02:55 PM
Ok after some exploration a little more online help from this board and a few other helpful areas I was able to remove the chasis and I completely replaced the power cord and used some contact cleaner trying to clean up the volume roller, since it was a closed unit I really couldnt do much, but I was able to clean a fewother contacts on switches. I was able to see that the inner workings had been worked on a couple of times at one point or another. But overall to my unexperienced eyes it looked pretty good. So now that I have replaced the power cord, and no danger of catchign fire or anything like that is out of the way, I still have the issue of if there is a way to repair the volume or see if that is the problem and not the needle. Can anyone offer tips to tell if it is the volume knob that isnt working properly, or if it is the needle assembly?