09-16-2018, 05:03 PM
Two more coats of clear, and I think the 6T2 cabinet is almost finished.
[Image: http://www.philcoradio.com/images/phorum...T2_029.jpg]
Looks pretty good, eh? Take a close look at its problem areas:
[Image: http://www.philcoradio.com/images/phorum...T2_030.jpg]
This is, or was, the worst of the lacquer drips. It is just barely showing now - and that is with very close inspection. I don't think the average Joe will notice it now.
And the other bad one, on the right side:
[Image: http://www.philcoradio.com/images/phorum...T2_031.jpg]
The shine is deep!
[Image: http://www.philcoradio.com/images/phorum...T2_032.jpg]
Drip issues (mostly) fixed, another issue occurred. I was a bit over-zealous with spraying clear on the right side, and ended up with a nice run. This photo does not show it, but it is there just the same, near the top of the right side.
[Image: http://www.philcoradio.com/images/phorum...T2_033.jpg]
However, I am optimistic that a careful wet sanding will take care of it, just as it did with the drips.
I think that after I wet sand the run that I will mask off the rest of the cabinet and spray that side only, laying it on its other side when I do. I don't think the rest of the cabinet needs any more clear. I'm satisfied with it (other than the run, that is).
[Image: http://www.philcoradio.com/images/phorum...T2_029.jpg]
Looks pretty good, eh? Take a close look at its problem areas:
[Image: http://www.philcoradio.com/images/phorum...T2_030.jpg]
This is, or was, the worst of the lacquer drips. It is just barely showing now - and that is with very close inspection. I don't think the average Joe will notice it now.
And the other bad one, on the right side:
[Image: http://www.philcoradio.com/images/phorum...T2_031.jpg]

The shine is deep!
[Image: http://www.philcoradio.com/images/phorum...T2_032.jpg]
Drip issues (mostly) fixed, another issue occurred. I was a bit over-zealous with spraying clear on the right side, and ended up with a nice run. This photo does not show it, but it is there just the same, near the top of the right side.
[Image: http://www.philcoradio.com/images/phorum...T2_033.jpg]
However, I am optimistic that a careful wet sanding will take care of it, just as it did with the drips.
I think that after I wet sand the run that I will mask off the rest of the cabinet and spray that side only, laying it on its other side when I do. I don't think the rest of the cabinet needs any more clear. I'm satisfied with it (other than the run, that is).
Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN