09-16-2018, 07:35 PM
Thanks, John and John! 
John (PhilcoJohn), with God's will, the first radio I work on after I recuperate from surgery will be the 6T2 chassis.
John (Eliot), this is just what I hope to accomplish by posting these cabinet threads - to show that anyone can do this, even without the professional setups of Russ, Steve, and others. Now, mind you, I will readily admit that one will achieve better results with the professional spray equipment. But the DIY-er can also achieve decent results with rattle cans. Not perfect, but decent.
And, as I've said before, I am no expert at refinishing cabinets. Not by a long shot. I just do the best that I can with what I have. At least I'm slowly gaining a much better looking radio collection.
I would like to have a Walton cabinet. I have a 9-S-262 chassis that needs a lot of work, and I bought it a few years ago in the (faint) hope that I might obtain a Walton cabinet eventually. But, oh my, those Walton cabinets are expensive!

John (PhilcoJohn), with God's will, the first radio I work on after I recuperate from surgery will be the 6T2 chassis.
John (Eliot), this is just what I hope to accomplish by posting these cabinet threads - to show that anyone can do this, even without the professional setups of Russ, Steve, and others. Now, mind you, I will readily admit that one will achieve better results with the professional spray equipment. But the DIY-er can also achieve decent results with rattle cans. Not perfect, but decent.
And, as I've said before, I am no expert at refinishing cabinets. Not by a long shot. I just do the best that I can with what I have. At least I'm slowly gaining a much better looking radio collection.
I would like to have a Walton cabinet. I have a 9-S-262 chassis that needs a lot of work, and I bought it a few years ago in the (faint) hope that I might obtain a Walton cabinet eventually. But, oh my, those Walton cabinets are expensive!

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN