12-17-2010, 10:48 AM
If your Shadow Meter coil is partially shorted and has less thatn the nominal resistance, you can re-wind the coil.
See my Service Tip No.1 on my site: http://www.philcorepairbench.com/tips/svctip01.htm
The newer type meter coil should have approx. 10 ma. of current thru it to properly swing the vane and that's about
A 10 V. drop, so Georg Simon Ohm's law says the coil resistance should be approx. 1000 ohms. If your coil is appreciably
less, then I'd suspect shorted turns. That's about 900 turns od AWG 40 wire.
See my Service Tip No.1 on my site: http://www.philcorepairbench.com/tips/svctip01.htm
The newer type meter coil should have approx. 10 ma. of current thru it to properly swing the vane and that's about
A 10 V. drop, so Georg Simon Ohm's law says the coil resistance should be approx. 1000 ohms. If your coil is appreciably
less, then I'd suspect shorted turns. That's about 900 turns od AWG 40 wire.
Chuck Schwark,
The Philco Repair Bench
[Image: http://www.philcorepairbench.com/images/philog3tiny.gif]