02-29-2020, 11:00 PM
im not sure how to answer you as i am so thoroughly confused. im confused because the c2b (rear) stator section is easily located at the junction of c96 and c2b. the trouble is that this junction is grounded in all positions except band one and six. how can a signal generator get a signal through a grounded connection? this ground agrees schematically and is accomplished on sw1 FRONT sec.five. this same signal input is used in the first eight steps of the alignment procedure. that is using the hallicrafters alignment data although it agrees with sams. now i cant believe that both these manuals are wrong,so it MUST be me but i will be d**ned if i can understand where i went wrong. last night in the absence of any other ideas,i used a basic am radio alignment procedure (which i know is wrong) for aligning the i.f.'s. i set the generator at 455kc MODULATED and.attached the generator output via a mica cap to the ANTENNA connection. on band ONE and let the radio warm up and got a tone,reduced the generator output to barely audible with a meter on the speaker output. the step three procedure went on without incident. and radio performance was dramatically improved in ALL bands. BUT its not right or else the factory would have used this,and still the bfo is inop. i do appreciate your time.