11-28-2020, 12:02 AM
I would take it apart, take the cabinet and CRT Case to the bathtub, wipe it all down with Dish Soap and hose the heck out of it. Shower massage works great. Remove and clean the tubes but note what locations that they were removed from, even for multiple tube of the same type. I'm a little crazy, but in extreme situations I would tape over the most sensitive components (transformers, IF cans, etc.), and do the same thing to the chassis then stick the chassis in the oven on lowest setting with the door cracked for several hours. (The NRI Radio Correspondence Course had a lesson on rehabilitating radios that were flood damaged. They actually recommended this to remove the mud (and Lord knows what else), stating since it is already damaged, you are not going to hurt it much more. there are organic solvents in spray cans appropriate for cleaning PC Board based chassis also.
I absolutely hate the smell of old cigarette smoke and it is no better for electronics than it is for us.
I absolutely hate the smell of old cigarette smoke and it is no better for electronics than it is for us.
"Do Justly, love Mercy and walk humbly with your God"- Micah 6:8
"Let us begin to do good"- St. Francis
Best Regards,