06-19-2021, 10:58 PM
Some circuit sleuthing today. The cap which had both ends grounded was the first thing on the list. Found on the circuit diagram C2 is the only 0.05 uF component associated with the frequency changer & antenna coils. One end should be grounded. Check. At the other end, a connection to the secondary of the antenna transformer. Check. Connection also to the bandswitch. Check. But... there was a wire leading from the bandswitch back to the chassis. This looked like an addition - poorly soldered on top of another solder spot. For now I have lifted, but not removed the wire.
Nothing more to do there until live testing, so it was on to the PSU filters. The first, 8 + 8 uF was a Mallory replacement, with colour coded flying leads. I found that the top of the can popped off, and after some work with the heat gun, the internals, set in pitch, were released. I snipped off the wires, and resoldered these to new 450V caps, heat shrink over the connections, and threaded everything back through in to the can, including the grommet through which the wires passed originally. The top of the can popped back in to place, and the result is very satisfactory. There was a bit of a struggle making room in the "eyes' of the solder tags for the wires to pass through. Just one last cap to tackle.
More, I hope, tomorrow,
Nothing more to do there until live testing, so it was on to the PSU filters. The first, 8 + 8 uF was a Mallory replacement, with colour coded flying leads. I found that the top of the can popped off, and after some work with the heat gun, the internals, set in pitch, were released. I snipped off the wires, and resoldered these to new 450V caps, heat shrink over the connections, and threaded everything back through in to the can, including the grommet through which the wires passed originally. The top of the can popped back in to place, and the result is very satisfactory. There was a bit of a struggle making room in the "eyes' of the solder tags for the wires to pass through. Just one last cap to tackle.
More, I hope, tomorrow,
I don't hold with furniture that talks.