03-28-2023, 07:27 PM
After stripping with solvent, there may be filler loss. Stripping in the flat area of which the lacquer has failed can be done with a professional cabinet scraper. If you choose so understand the scraper will need correct re-sharpening and used properly to prevent accidental gouging, but the filler will remain. Some stripper used sparingly can blend the color on the wood. Then look to do a sealer coat this is usually thinned shellac, follow with transparent toned lacquer, build to achieve the desired color. When dry, safely mask off the edges and use opaque dark brown or Vandyke toner. That, conceals the end grain.
There is not a lot of work, but steps taken in the correct order and the correct product used. One or two top coats of gloss lacquer to complete the job. Touch-up polishing should be done some two weeks to allow the lacquer to fully hardened.
As far as chemical stripping using wood shaving pet bedding is great to cleanup all surfaces from any kind of stripper, simply scrub it in, it can't scratch and absorbs the solvents. Sweep into loose pile and store outdoors for a day or two then send to trash. Do not burn as spent stripper solvent can make hazardous smoke.
Do not do any solvent stripping indoors, out, and wind at your back... Always use solvent proof neoprene gloves and a solvent rated respirator.
Repeated solvent expose effect the body late in life, not nice...
There is not a lot of work, but steps taken in the correct order and the correct product used. One or two top coats of gloss lacquer to complete the job. Touch-up polishing should be done some two weeks to allow the lacquer to fully hardened.
As far as chemical stripping using wood shaving pet bedding is great to cleanup all surfaces from any kind of stripper, simply scrub it in, it can't scratch and absorbs the solvents. Sweep into loose pile and store outdoors for a day or two then send to trash. Do not burn as spent stripper solvent can make hazardous smoke.
Do not do any solvent stripping indoors, out, and wind at your back... Always use solvent proof neoprene gloves and a solvent rated respirator.
Repeated solvent expose effect the body late in life, not nice...
Pliny the younger
“nihil novum nihil varium nihil quod non semel spectasse sufficiat”