05-17-2024, 07:02 PM
More on this. The original wiring was undisturbed. All the tubes are correct. The octal socket is the original riveted to the chassis. Pins 5 and 6 of one of the 41 output tubes can be seen in the previous photo. This had to have worked out of the factory but I am at a loss as to why a secondary plate wire would be wired this way to the rectifier plate on pin 5 and thus to the grounds of the audio output tubes. Hopefully someone here has seen this done before. I have not. Photo is of chassis before much was done to it. I have already replaced much of the wiring, many caps and resistors, the negative voltage divider and removed to audio output transformer. At this point I am going to put in rectifier diodes and wire the 41's to ground as the schematic shows.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in advance.