12-25-2024, 05:31 PM
Another trick I learned of to remove any of the thick crusty rust that our little rodent friends tend to leave on a radio chassis, is a wad of paper towel soaked in vinegar placed right over the corroded area. I did this in a few sets and it got the crust off and the chassis down to bare steel, of course the plating is also gone but our rodent pal already ruined that. One point to make, you don't have to completely strip the chassis down, only the top deck of it, the sockets can be pushed down inside after the rivets are removed, rather then removing them entirely. The front end parts like the band switch, are a little more difficult unless the set has a sub chassis that can be pulled out in whole by snipping a few wires, fortunately those usually have the tuning condenser mounted on top so the chassis was more protected there, potentiometer type controls are pretty straight forward.
Happy Christmas
Happy Christmas