01-10-2025, 03:35 PM
I think that there may be a market for something like this, it would certainly be an improvement over those Adapt-a-cap things. Since I found out how much it costs to make something like those through an outfit like PCBway I don't know why anyone would pay $5 on up for one. Granted they are cheaper then a Heyseed Hamfest unit. but at least those are largely drop in replacements (I would like to know what capacitors they use inside good name brand or Chinese mystery brand?). One alternative I have also used was to mount a terminal strip under the chassis, on one of the lugs of the original can, or to one side of it, if there is room for it, leaving the original appearance above the chassis.
I think that there may be a market for something like this, it would certainly be an improvement over those Adapt-a-cap things. Since I found out how much it costs to make something like those through an outfit like PCBway I don't know why anyone would pay $5 on up for one. Granted they are cheaper then a Heyseed Hamfest unit. but at least those are largely drop in replacements (I would like to know what capacitors they use inside good name brand or Chinese mystery brand?). One alternative I have also used was to mount a terminal strip under the chassis, on one of the lugs of the original can, or to one side of it, if there is room for it, leaving the original appearance above the chassis.