11-06-2006, 07:31 AM
Back again , Done and happy ! Found that Fm missing on lower end of dial was not what I thought . Stations had shifted about 6 mc up dial ! Lower stations way up dial higher station gone . Realigned Bc with scope on AVC . Peaked out about the same as it was , and worked well.
Fm alignment . Put fluke digital across c321 per instruction for 10 vdc .Had to go to ground rather than across cap which also should be ground.Did not understand that . May be problem . When ohm'ed terminal board side is ground ,tube side 51,000 k to ground .Anyway got ten volts when injecting 9.1mc .Followed procedure . Was'nt hard at all.Ended up with good sounding stationway up the dial again
Backed out all fm trimmers ,did it by ear .Got a station in correct spot on low end of dial and tweaked it in . Works great all kinds of stations sounds good and are where they belong! Only dfference is three antenna padders. With meter alignment they were about half way down . By ear about 3/4 of the way up .They are slug type padders . Never saw those before.Touched one and it appears to have light coat of some sort of grease on it.Did not clean it off but thought about it .Everything is working now so why mess it up.I do not want to spin the trimmers till they strip. So I put the Chassis in the radio and consider it done .I am happy with it ! Will see how well it runs without adjustment. All I can think of with this Fm alignment is I have a bad connection again. Over time it may act up .
Thanks !
Fm alignment . Put fluke digital across c321 per instruction for 10 vdc .Had to go to ground rather than across cap which also should be ground.Did not understand that . May be problem . When ohm'ed terminal board side is ground ,tube side 51,000 k to ground .Anyway got ten volts when injecting 9.1mc .Followed procedure . Was'nt hard at all.Ended up with good sounding stationway up the dial again

Thanks !