02-07-2012, 11:47 PM
Thank you for the replies. I have, for several years, looked at many Philco sites and have never seen a picture of either the cabinet or the changer. If the Beam of Light system actually showed any light while operating, I know that there was no light in that compartment. The tonearm (brown crinkle/wrinkle paint) was the widest at the front and curved. The cabinet was very Art Deco, I would say. Very plain, just beautiful wood. The lid was supported by two friction slides. I remember that I adjusted them once. Front corners rounded, sides completely flat. Front also flat with just a large speaker grill. The hinged changer part had an arced, chrome slide that would come out from the rear and push the next record so that it would drop unto the felt-covered (brown) platter. BTW, I know positively that it was a Philco. Of all the radios we had, this was my father's "baby". He was very proud of it and was rarely used.