04-14-2007, 12:12 AM
davemc, if you do decide to remove the shaft on the band switch it has, or at least mine on a 37-650 did, a keyway on the shaft so the switch position can only go in one way. Be careful though, the keyway is only a small protrusion on the shaft and can be forced on incorrectly if you use too much pressure. The keyway aligns each wafer's rotor correctly on the shaft then the orientation of the shaft itself is oriented by a tab on the front mounting bracket and a hole in the chassis so that the rotors are all aligned properly on the shaft vis a vis each other and then aligned to the proper contacts on the stator. I discovered this by trial and error. Imagine my horror when I smugly replaced the shaft to the keyway but then had two posible positions in which to mount the shaft to the chassis. I actually mounted it 180 out but noticed that the front mount of the shaft would not snug up to the face of the chassis. It was then that I noticed the tab and hole. Check as you disassemble for the keyway and tab. If you can't find them don't remove that shaft! PL