04-14-2007, 01:32 AM
Tad, that shroud around the bulb on the shadow meter is basically a tube with a slot down the length on one side. It is three quarters of an inch long, thirteen sixteenths in diameter, and caped at the end. The slit down the side is one sixteenth wide. Painted flat black on exterior (I use high temp. BBQ Grill paint). It slips over the bulb, no mechinical connection. You should be able to fabricate with brass tubing from hobby store. Cut tube to inch and an eighth, cut almost through tube about three eigths inch from one end (stop cut when you have about quarter inch of diameter left), cut slit down side opposite from remaining quarter inch diameter, flatten out shorter portion of tube and fold over open end and snip off excess. Actually it was made out of a flat piece of sheet metal and rolled together but you would need diagram. Its sole purpose is to direct light down the channel passing the vane. If you have any questions let me know. PL