06-19-2013, 12:10 AM
Thank You, Mondale and Codefox for the info, but that is what I already have...Doesn't seem complete in some areas. But I do thank you for your time. Also, thanks for the 20,000ohms per volts info too,. Sounds like I can use the Fluke but it doesnt need to be exact voltages. Jerryhawthorne, sounds like I should order the info from your suggestion. Do you know if it has more info than the stuff I have as shown above? Sounds like it does. I will order and see how it goes from there. Thanks to all for your time and effort helping me with this. This is my Fathers old Radio he bought new, unfortunately it was in a fire i nmy house and I want to restore it. I am working on the cabinet and it looks like it also needs some electronics work also. He is getting old now (90) and I would like to finish before anything happens...guess I better get busy Thanks again for everyones help.