07-19-2013, 02:12 PM
Any cap smaller in value than 0.001uF, not greater, is most likely a mica type cap.
The parts listing for a particular radio model may also indicate a mica type. Post-war models, like yours, most
certainly had a parts listing in the multi-page service bulletin.
Philco did, on occasion, use rolled wax paper caps in pF sizes instead of mica, but usually inside bakelite blocks.
The parts listing for a particular radio model may also indicate a mica type. Post-war models, like yours, most
certainly had a parts listing in the multi-page service bulletin.
Philco did, on occasion, use rolled wax paper caps in pF sizes instead of mica, but usually inside bakelite blocks.
Chuck Schwark,
The Philco Repair Bench
[Image: http://www.philcorepairbench.com/images/philog3tiny.gif]