08-09-2013, 09:40 AM
You can also use 1Q5s as a substitute from WD11s, if they are rewired as a triode, I think there are similar subs you can use for 199s. I don't understand why people think they can only use newer triodes as substitutes for older triodes, why pay extra money for having two fewer grids? When it comes to 201As I can't see the point in using subs unless you happen to have a lot of a given newer tube on hand, if you can't find the globe versions you can always use the ST style ones. I can't see any advantage in substituting a 201A for a 199, 199s are much less common then '01As, probably because RCA brand sets (G.E and Westinghouse) were the primary users of 199s, there may have been others but not many.