09-23-2013, 09:56 PM
Since I am unable to engage in cabinet work due to my healing new knee, I am doing the "busy work" like fixing annoying little issues that have cropped up in some of my playing sets. Also did some work on my Eico 666 tube tester and got it to where I now have confidence in it's results. Although the Eico 666 does NOT give a reading in uMhos, it's results are very comparable to both my Hickok 800A and my I-177A. When you read the manual and understand what the tester does for a merit test, you see that it gives uniquely valid data for your tube. ALSO, I think the shorts tests are better than many other testers.
Also got a Philco 46-1209 done for a friend. They really are a good sounding set when right, and the weird (9.5 t 15.5 MHz) shortwave band picks up several stations at night on the internal antenna.
My Sparton 1568 sits there mocking me.... saying in it's own inimitable way (I know you have all had a set do this) "c'mon, big guy... TRY and get ME to play."
Also got a Philco 46-1209 done for a friend. They really are a good sounding set when right, and the weird (9.5 t 15.5 MHz) shortwave band picks up several stations at night on the internal antenna.
My Sparton 1568 sits there mocking me.... saying in it's own inimitable way (I know you have all had a set do this) "c'mon, big guy... TRY and get ME to play."