04-26-2008, 07:33 PM
Ron I went to ACE and picked up some metallic not aluminum types, they have an andonized finish on them and they seem to look fairly well when you put a washer on back to better secure the rivet. The bottom is not always as rusty as the can portion but I found when I painted the can area the bottom seemed to be mis-matched so I figured might as well paint them at the same time to get a better match. I found the chrome paint seems to look much better than any of the aluminum spray can colors. Here are some shots of my Silvertone 4586 chassis (before) [Image: http://inlinethumb14.webshots.com/40589/...425Q85.jpg] And here is a shot of the chassis after cleaning and painting the goat shields [Image: http://inlinethumb30.webshots.com/40157/...425Q85.jpg] By the way the only parts that were painted were the goat shields the rest of the chassis just cleaned so nicely using some "gunk off" stuff that I purchased.