02-04-2014, 04:02 PM
I'm wondering, how well can and should the radiola 60 line perform? I was about to trade off my Brunswick console (Radiola 62), for an early Sparton set and decided to try one more time to get it to work. After fiddling with the tubes for a bit, it finally came back to life and really pulls in stations now. I always thought I really wouldn't be able to use the 60 line at my place because of the antenna I have to use, but today I had it down to only three feet of wire and was still pulling in some stations fairly well. Have I mis-judged these radios due to some fussiness from their age and perhaps a dirty tube socket or two? Yes, it is still a bit fussy at start-up, but that I have always had issues with when I've had a 60.
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