03-02-2014, 07:58 PM
Actually, my friend and I spent most of yesterday evening on this unit. He was wanting a challenge and I was bored, so off we went. Speaker cone was totally separated from the frame, so he epoxied that. In spite of using shims to keep the voice coil centered, it still isn't quite perfect and him and I both saw signs the spider might have been tampered with sometime in the past. Also, had to undo a 1950's or 1960's repair as we went. He worked on the chassis while I scampered for parts and tried to make sense of the Grunow capacitor code numbers in the Riders Manuals. Actually, this set is in both volume 7 and 8 of Riders, which is good because 7 had a badly printed page. It's home and back together now, but it will still need some tweaks. One thing I forgot to do was clean the band switch. Oops! It works, but is touchy. Also, the dial kept binding against the cabinet due to some sag in the chassis board, so I'll pull that and rework again. That said, this set really pulls in the stations on AM and is decent on shortwave. Sounds pretty good as well, though that speaker still isn't 100%. It's encouraging though and I figure some more tinkering will get this set up to 100%.

No matter where you go, there you are.