08-07-2008, 01:56 AM
Well, it looks like the problem was a weak 6F6 driver tube. Swapping it seemed to fixed it. Playing with the crossover cap, I think that a 10uF gives a better sound than a 4.7uF, and either of them are *way* better than the stock 1uF, which practically cuts out all the sound out of the tweeters. Phase is also very important. Not only do you have to connect the speakers white-green-white-green, you have to also check whether green-white-green-white works better. Either of these puts the tweeters in phase with each other, but only one puts them in phase with the woofer, and it makes a big difference. All of this is easy to accomplish by swapping the cables to the voice coil pins on the tweeters. I'll have to color code mine for future reference. The sound from this thing is pretty incredible once it's operating on all cylinders.
