07-19-2014, 11:24 PM
So I ordered the new cartridge and pin, it was shipped out on Friday. In the meantime I took every part off of the phono that I could, sanded all of the rust off of it and repainted it. The original paint had a hammered finish so I did the same with the new paint. Unfortunately, the paint didn't dry even close to the color on the cap so it's quite different than the original color but it still looks good to me. I put it all back together, polished the stainless, and wired it up. Seems to work fine but I won't know for sure until the needle comes in! P.S. I've never even used a record player before, or really even seen one in person prior to working on this piece. I think its rather ironic that I'm fixing something I've never used (only 25yr old). Looking forward to using it though. Here's a before and after.